Felt is outdated in roof replacement in Orange County today! Here's why.
We're the No-Felt Company. Underlayment is the material that is installed directly underneath the product used on your roof (shingles, tile, etc.) to keep the roof resistant to water. Traditionally, felt has been the most common material used for underlayment, however it has since been replaced by a synthetic material that does everything felt does and then some.
"Synthetic material... does everything felt does and then some."
While felt CAN be used as underlayment for roofing projects, it has many downsides that make it worse than synthetic underlayment in almost every way. Felt underlayment cannot be left exposed for more than a few days before it either dries out or loses the oils that protect against moisture. Felt is more likely to tear during high winds or even the installation process itself. Felt is heavier, making it harder to get it onto the roof. Felt wrinkles when exposed to water, so if that happens before the shingles are placed it can make it harder for them to lay flat. In general, felt will break down when exposed to the elements, while synthetic roofing materials do not.
Synthetic roof underlayment is incredibly durable. It rarely tears and can handle roofers walking on it no problem. It’s lighter than felt, and because there is more material on each roll, each install becomes a lot easier and faster. Synthetic materials are much safer to work on than felt because the surfaces of many synthetic underlayments are made to be walked on, with non-slip surfaces that help prevent injuries. Most importantly, synthetic underlayment repels water, while felt absorbs it. This will make leaks a lot less likely and will keep your home secure in a situation where the underlayment is directly exposed.