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What To Expect From Your Roof When You Have Solar Panels

What To Expect From Your Roof When You Have Solar Panels

Having solar panels installed is one way to contribute directly to society's march towards reducing dependency on fossil fuels and carbon emissions. In addition to helping you do your part to care for the environment, solar panel installation also has many financial advantages.

However, having solar panels installed on roofs is not always straightforward. It can be especially complicated for older roofs and specific roof structures, requiring preparatory inspections from roofing professionals. In this article, our experts will share both the benefits of having solar panels and the potential installation challenges for a variety of roofing scenarios. Plus, you will learn some maintenance tips to guide you once solar panels are installed on your roof in Orange County, California.

Why Are Solar Panels So Popular in California?

Solar Panels Are Environmentally Friendly

Solar Panels Are Environmentally Friendly

Solar panels are becoming increasingly popular as environmentally conscious homeowners seek a way to personally contribute to the reduction of dependency on fossil fuels. The power created from sunlight is renewable, meaning none of the planet's resources are used up.

Lower Power Costs

Another obvious reason people consider solar panels is that they provide free energy. Though the cost upfront may be high, the payoff is substantial in the long run, especially considering the incremental increase in power costs.

Net metering also contributes to lower power costs. It allows solar panel owners to send excess energy back to the grid, which the power companies pay back to the owner. This way, many homeowners can significantly reduce or eliminate their monthly electricity bills. California’s abundant sunshine makes it the ideal location for homeowners looking to maximize net metering potential.

California residents can also capitalize on rebates offered by different agencies, depending on location, when installing solar power systems. For instance, Alameda residents with $106,000 annual income or less can enjoy a $500 rebate when installing solar on houses built before 2020. Agencies like the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power also offer various incentives (Forbes Home).

Tax Credits

Though California does not offer solar tax credits at the state level (Forbes Home), residents can benefit from the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) offered by the federal government, which covers 30% of the total installation costs. Moreover, California currently excludes the value of your solar energy system when assessing your property's value.

Return on Investment

Considering the decrease in energy bills, potential rebates, and federal and state tax credits, solar panels can pay for themselves over time. Moreover, financing options also help people maximize the return on investment on their solar panels because they won't feel the impact of their high costs upfront, especially if the owners opt for battery-supported solar power systems.

Property Value

Because of energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, potential for income, and government incentives, homes with solar panels are more attractive than homes without them (Zillow). The shift in buyer preferences generally affects home prices and the speed at which these properties sell.

How Does My Roof Affect Solar Panel Installation?

How Does My Roof Affect Solar Panel Installation?

Before going into what happens to your roof when solar panels are in place, let us first consider whether you can install these in the first place. There are several considerations that affect how solar panels are installed or if they can be installed at all:

Roofing Materials

Materials such as metal, asphalt shingles, and flat roofs are typically better at supporting solar panel installation because of their structural integrity and ease of mounting. However, roofs made from materials such as slate and wood roofs may require additional considerations or modifications because they are soft and have comparatively weaker supporting structures.

Size and Shape of the Roofs

The energy collection capacity depends on the number of solar panels the roof can accommodate. The larger the roof, the more solar panels it can accommodate.

Roofing Pitch

Steep roofs may require more panels because they are not optimal for sunlight exposure. Ideally, a roof pitch between 30 and 45 degrees in California allows for the best solar panel efficiency. If your roof pitch is optimal, you will require fewer panels to collect as much energy from the sun.

Roof Abutments and Penetrations

Your existing roof penetrations, such as vents or chimneys, will affect the installation process. Moreover, roof abutments, such as the flashing around chimneys and vents, should also be considered. Proper assessments and the decision to relocate these items are critical for both the installation process and the collection efficiency of the panels in the long run.

Direction Where Your Roof is Facing

Since California is in the Northern Hemisphere, solar panels inclined towards the South receive more solar energy than those facing another direction. If your roof is oriented towards the North, you may require more solar panels to receive the same amount of solar power as those whose roofs are oriented southwards.

How Do Solar Panels Affect My Roof?

Even the most robust roof structures may be exposed to problems during installation. Here are things to watch out for when solar panels are placed on your roof:

Why Solar Panels May Be Harmful to Your Roof?

best roofing inspection

Roof Leaks:

Solar panels require frames and anchors secured directly on your roof structure. While quality installation minimizes the risks of creating leaks, it is crucial to select a reputable contractor to ensure a warranty on workmanship to guarantee these leaks don't happen. This warranty should also cover necessary repairs or replacements.

Panel Installation:

Select a contractor whose crews are familiar with panel installation for your specific roof type and condition. Improper installation may result in accidental damage to your roofing structure, such as leaks, dislodged shingles, or structural damage.

Bird Nesting:

The space between the roof and solar panels may provide birds with a space to build nests. Should this happen, bird traffic and corrosion from droppings may cause roof damage. Moreover, since the roof beneath your panels doesn't receive rainfall directly, these droppings will not be washed away as easily and can take their toll on your roof more quickly than on roofs without solar panels.

Roof Warranty:

Installing roof panels may void your existing roof warranty. In this case, it is essential to consult with your roof installers to discuss the coverage of these warranties.

Why Solar Panels May Benefit Your Roof?

Sun Damage:

Your solar panels absorb a substantial proportion of the sun's radiation, protecting your roof from prolonged exposure to UV damage and intense heat, which can cause shingles and iron roofs to deteriorate, lose color, or become brittle. With shingles, having solar panels can extend their lifespan for years.

Roof Temperature:

Since solar panels absorb sunlight to work, they can help keep your roof cooler. As a result, your attic temperature stays cooler even during the summer months, which can keep your home cooler and help you save on your energy bills during this period.

Storm Damage:

A properly installed solar power system can help your roof resist high wind speeds during storms and reduce the risk of damage to its underlying structure.

Why Does Rescue Roofer Provide the Best Roofing Inspection in Orange County Before Solar Panel Installation?

Solar panel installation is complex for most roofing structures in Orange County. As the article suggests, there are certain risks for specific roof types and structures. To minimize risks during solar panel installation, it is crucial to enlist roofing experts to provide a thorough inspection of your roof.

Rescue Roofer offers a comprehensive 4-phase roof inspection procedure to ensure that all aspects of your roof, its underlying structure, and surrounding areas receive a thorough inspection. With decades of roofing experience, our experts specialize in identifying and solving issues to help guarantee that you can maximize the benefits of having solar panels for many years. Rescue Roofer also offers related services, such as roof repair and restoration, emergency repairs, and roof replacement, to ensure a smooth solar panel installation process.

Contact Rescue Roofer for expert roof inspections and assessments for Orange County residents considering solar panel installation!